Business owners are asked not intervene
by: irvin Avriano
JAKARTA ( Bapepam-LK ask commissioners and securities company owner does not intervene in the transaction because the effect is the task management company.
Chairman of Bapepam-LK Ahmad Fuad Rahmany affirm that it does not return repeated mistakes, as happened in the case of misappropriation of funds PT Sarijaya Permana Sekuritas worth Rp240 billion.
"The owners of companies do not participate in the intervention is to the company's affairs, the owner will receive a dividend to stay," he said to the press this afternoon.
Embezzlement of funds that occurred in Sarijaya Securities commissioners conducted by major companies, Herman Ramli, who was suspected to be known by the management company.
Previous Fuad said Sarijaya management should take part responsible for the misappropriation of funds made Herman Ramli, but still required to cooperate so that the case is completed and open.
Activities Sarijaya disuspensi transaction exchange authorities on Tuesday arrested after Herman Agency and Criminal Police detective (Bareskrim) on December 24. (tw)
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