Monday, January 12, 2009

The role of technology in very large Batik Fractal

by: Arif Pitoyo

JAKARTA ( The role of technology in making Batik Fractal great because through free open source, can be created thousands motives new batik.

Hariadi Jun, Head of Research (Pixel People Project) Batik Fractal RISTEK Ministry, said Batik Fractal is batik-pattern in which the pattern is generated from the development of the modern science of mathematics supported the development of computer technology that the process is done traditionally.

"The first condition is that the fractal Jagad. By using the system of mathematics, fractal image object this issue similar jewelry batik, "he said.

After be more traditional Indonesian batik ornaments that contain mathematical value and can be reproduced with computer technology.

With the existence of these three things (science, technology and art), he added, the product batik fractal into a very unique product and selling high value, both in terms of visual, the potential for the development of products and background.

Batik Fractal last appeared in the stage perbatikan Indonesia. The role of information and communication technology in Batik Fractal great. When meeting with mathematics computer hardware, it will appear generative.

When inserted mathematical formula, it appears thousands of new batik motifs different. "There are mathematical correlation between the art world. In creating new motives, the program is used Free Open Source, can be downloaded by anyone, and the expected feedback from the community, "added May.

With TIK, batik-batik long drawn in using mathematical modeling program. Batik batik-old can also be developed directly to a new form.
According to the staff of the Menristek Richard Mengko, Batik Fractal in this there are two things, namely the benefits of creativity and design batik will give added value to the designer to create a new design and will surely move to the knowledge / to the beauty of mathematics.

"India has the opportunity to membatikkan the world, because the software can make a batik, batik position and prove that we have. Batik made in Indonesia will be more beautiful, "specifically. (api)
Learn more....(Batiks Inspired by Bali)

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China built ships, aircraft carrier

by: Ratna Ariyanti

Beijing (AP): China will build aircraft carrier aircraft. This plan is the ambition of a strengthening of the military.
Spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense Chinese Senior Colonel Huang Xueping menuturkan aircraft carrier aircraft is a symbol of strength and show the competitiveness of the Navy.
He added China should ensure the security and maritime hegemony. However, he did not give further detail schedule launch aircraft carrier? these aircraft.
Chinese Navy fleet were generally in the waters around China. China's government said they will send three ships to the Indian Ocean to prevent the attack of pirate ships to China.
Mother ship aircraft also allows the Navy to work more widely again.
Military observers see the mother ship aircraft is more aimed to prevent the United States intervention in a possible conflict between China and Taiwan.
China's defense budget this year reached U.S. $ 58.6 billion or 417.8 billion yuan, increased by 17.6% compared to the budget in the year ago. (api)
Learn more...(Grizzly G9751 Aircraft Extension Drill 29 pc. Set, 1/16" - 1/2" x 12" Long)

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Yen appreciation and U.S. $ biggest euro up

by: M. Yunan Hilmi

NEW YORK (Bloomberg): Yen and U.S. dollars of annual record against euro for the first time when recession occurs simultaneously in the U.S., Europe and Japan since World War II. Learn more... World War II: The Definitive Visual History

Throughout 2008 the U.S. dollar's depreciation to more than two decades after speculation emerged determination 0% interest rates by the Federal Reserve will reduce the demand greenback. On the other hand, recorded the largest euor pound on the assumption of recession in the UK will become increasingly worsened.

"This year is a year of uncertainty at the request of the U.S. dollar and the yen turned menguat," said Matthew Kassel, director of ING Financial Markets LLC New York.

U.S. dollar down 19% to 90.86 yen from 111.75 late yesterday in 2007, the biggest decline since 1987. U.S. currency rose against the euro as much as 4.5% to U.S. $ 1.3966 from U.S. $ 1.4057, which is the first increase in three years. U.S. dollar had touched U.S. $ 1.6038 on July 15, terlemah for this level. Against the yen, the currency weakened Europe 22% to 126.82 yen from 163.04.

South African currency rand is the currency with the worst performance against the U.S. dollar throughout the year, which weakened 27% to 9.4375 due anjloknya commodity prices.

Menguat yen against all major currencies during 2008, with 52% of the Australian dollar up to be 64.15 and 61% of the top New Zealand. Strengthening yen on the sale of U.S. dollars to reduce Japanese exporters, including Toyota Motor Corp., Honda Motor Co. and Sony Corp.. The Ministry of Finance Japan recorded the largest export down 27% in November. (Yn)

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U.S. dollars to the worst decline in 1 year

by: Elsya Refianti

SINGAPORE (Bloomberg): U.S. Dollar depressed the worst decline in a year against the yen in over two decades, because of speculation U.S. reports this week will show the manufacturer of the sinking in since 1980.

The currency is also leading to a decline in three years against the Swiss franc as speculation target zero interest rate loans from the

Federal Reserve will increase demand for the currency greenback.

Euro to strengthen against the highest one-year British pound since 1999 because of speculation the Bank of England will maintain interest rates below the loan level European Central Bank.

U.S. dollars are at 90.24 yen on pkl. 8:45 in Tokyo from 90.34 yen yesterday in New York and 111.75 at the end of 2007. The currency was fall 19% this year, terdalam since 1987. Currency greenback become depressed 1.0557 per franc from 1.0602 yesterday and 1.1335 a year earlier. The currency also weakened to U.S. $ 1.4136 per euro from U.S. $ 1.4057 yesterday and from U.S. $ 1.4589 last year.

Have entered the euro gain against the pound eighth day of 0.2% so 97.74 pence from 97.57 pence yesterday, the currency in which it touches on the record 98.03 pence.

The Fed cut interest rates this month patokannya to the range 0 - 0.25% for the first time and switch the focus to the purchase of debt to help the economy. (Er)
Learn More... Paths Not Taken: Speculations on American Foreign Policy and Diplomatic History, Interests, Ideals, and Power (Praeger Studies in Diplomacy and Strategic Thought)

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Euro continues weakening over U.S. $ and yen

by: M. Yunan Hilmi

SINGAPORE (Bloomberg): Euro weakening U.S. dollar over the yen and performance reports that European manufacturing sector is estimated to worsen the recession in the 16 countries in the region.

Euro, the currency of the three main terlemah during 2008, defeated by the European Central Bank estimates will lower interest rates to encourage economic growth. Central banks lower interest rate of 1.75% basis points in October sejakn be 2.50%. This decrease is the first since June 2003.

"There are many more dots weakness in Europe in the future. Likelihood of central bank interest rate back down 1% in March," said Sean Callow, senior foreign exchange analyst Westpac Banking Corp. in Sydney.

Euro weakened to U.S. $ 1.4010 at 9:42 am in Tokyo from U.S. $ 1.4045 closing of New York yesterday. Euro anjlok 4.2% during 2008. The currency also weakened this combination to be 127.14 yen from 127.41 yen, after a 28% depreciation year ago. Callow estimate can be depressed euro to U.S. $ 1.20 during the semester I/2009.

U.S. dollars are relatively stable at 90.73 yen. However, throughout 2008 the U.S. dollar weakened 19%, the largest since 1987.

In December of European manufacturing index 34.5, unchanged from the initial estimate and the lowest since 1998. The index is based on a survey of purchasing by Markit Economics. Numbers below 50 indicate contraction or the decline. The report will dilansir at 9 a.m. in London this week.

Other surveys show ECB will lower the interest rate to be 1.5% in the second quarter of this year. (Yn)
Learn More... Biotech Patents: Equivalency and Exclusions Under European and U.S. Patent Law

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Economy made few gains in Bush years

Eight-year period is weakest in decades

By Neil Irwin and Dan Eggen

updated 12:20 a.m. ET Jan. 12, 2009

President Bush has presided over the weakest eight-year span for the U.S. economy in decades, according to an analysis of key data, and economists across the ideological spectrum increasingly view his two terms as a time of little progress on the nation's thorniest fiscal challenges.

The number of jobs in the nation increased by about 2 percent during Bush's tenure, the most tepid growth over any eight-year span since data collection began seven decades ago. Gross domestic product, a broad measure of economic output, grew at the slowest pace for a period of that length since the Truman administration. And Americans' incomes grew more slowly than in any presidency since the 1960s, other than that of Bush's father.

Bush and his aides are quick to point out that they oversaw 52 straight months of job growth in the middle of this decade, and that the economy expanded at a steady clip from 2003 to 2007. But economists, including some former advisers to Bush, say it increasingly looks as if the nation's economic expansion was driven to a large degree by the interrelated booms in the housing market, consumer spending and financial markets. Those booms, which the Bush administration encouraged with the idea of an "ownership society," have proved unsustainable. "The expansion was a continuation of the way the U.S. has grown for too long, which was a consumer-led expansion that was heavily concentrated in housing," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a onetime Bush White House staffer and one of Sen. John McCain's top economic advisers for his presidential campaign. "There was very little of the kind of saving and export-led growth that would be more sustainable."

"For a group that claims it wants to be judged by history, there is no evidence on the economic policy front that that was the view," Holtz-Eakin said. "It was all Band-Aids."

'Very shaky foundations'
From 2002 to 2006, the housing boom generated about 600,000 to 800,000 jobs that otherwise would not have been created -- about 10 percent of total job growth in that span, according to the consulting firm IHS Global Insight. Such data, expert say, suggest the economy was not as fundamentally strong as it seemed.

"Some of the recovery, some of the expansion, was based on very shaky foundations," said Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at Global Insight.

"It's sad to say, but we really went nowhere for almost ten years, after you extract the boost provided by the housing and mortgage boom," said Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's, and an informal adviser to McCain's campaign. "It's almost a lost economic decade."

The president's current aides say they are proud of their economic record. They note, for instance, that they attempted to rein in the growth of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the housing finance companies whose vast expansion they see as a central cause of the financial crisis. Independent analysts generally view them only as contributors to the crisis.

Learn More... The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in a Global World, Texas Edition

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Business owners are asked not intervene

by: irvin Avriano

JAKARTA ( Bapepam-LK ask commissioners and securities company owner does not intervene in the transaction because the effect is the task management company.

Chairman of Bapepam-LK Ahmad Fuad Rahmany affirm that it does not return repeated mistakes, as happened in the case of misappropriation of funds PT Sarijaya Permana Sekuritas worth Rp240 billion.

"The owners of companies do not participate in the intervention is to the company's affairs, the owner will receive a dividend to stay," he said to the press this afternoon.

Embezzlement of funds that occurred in Sarijaya Securities commissioners conducted by major companies, Herman Ramli, who was suspected to be known by the management company.

Previous Fuad said Sarijaya management should take part responsible for the misappropriation of funds made Herman Ramli, but still required to cooperate so that the case is completed and open.

Activities Sarijaya disuspensi transaction exchange authorities on Tuesday arrested after Herman Agency and Criminal Police detective (Bareskrim) on December 24. (tw)
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Collateral assets Herman Ramli smaller

by: irvin Avriano

JAKARTA ( PT BEI rate guarantee assets Commissioner PT Sarijaya Permana Sekuritas Herman Ramli less than the funds that darkened much as Rp240 billion.

"The value is below [the darkened ana]," said Erry Firmansyah Dirut BEI in a press meet at the Bapepam-LK today.

He explains the authority exchanges and Bapepam-LK not identify the exact value of assets such as PT Asuransi Sarijaya, PT Sarijaya Multidana and a plastic factory.

According to Erry, to cover the lack of assets, the authority will try to communicate with the family Herman.

Herman Bareskrim police have arrested since 24 December 2008. Sarijaya trade transactions stopped since 6 January 2009.

Goodbye in the press that the authorities announced that the capital market and BEI, KSEI, KPEI with headquarters and branch Sarijaya help desk has been established. Customers are required to verify assets of the company. (tw)
Learn More... A Practical Guide to Collateral Management in the OTC Derivatives Market (Finance and Capital Markets)

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Food imports will be limited

by: Linda Nurbaiti & T. Silitonga

JAKARTA ( food and beverage products imported to be a scarcity in the country because the supply is limited.

The limited supply of these products in the country followed the Permendag No: 44/M-DAG/PER/10/2008 provisions on imports of particular products.

Chairman team of goods outstanding Retail Association of Indonesia (APRINDO) Nugroho Setia Dharma said scarcity of food and beverage products imported already occurred since the last few months since finding cases bermelamin milk.

"Since that case, all imported products, so the more stringent control. Moreover, with the policy of limiting imports of particular products, including the imported products mamin," he said at a press conference with AP3MI and PHRI in the Hotel Sahid.

According to him, with the Permendag No: 44/M-DAG/PER/10/2008 make the situation difficult to import products mamin circulating in the country. In fact, if the objective that abolished import access, he said, will be very difficult because it realized consumers in the country are also many people from other countries.

"We still support a local product in the host Indonesia. But if needs be rare, of course need more consideration," he said.

He explains kelangkan product mamin occurred in the center of modern shopping malls, hotels, and restaurants. Even in special restaurants, such as a Japanese restaurant, hard to find imported products. (faa)
Learn More... The European Retail Structured Investment Products Market - 2006/07

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Boeing to Termination of Employment Relations of 4500 employees

by: Elsya Refianti

SEATTLE ( Boeing Co. plans will cut the number of employees as much as 4.5 00 people or 6.6% of commercial aircraft work force that, in this year to press charges because of weakening global economy hit demand for new planes.

PHK most will be made in Washington in the second quarter with a period of 60 days since the end of February, the company said in a statement. PHK Boeing said it will focus to the region that are not directly related to the production aircraft.

"We step through careful to ensure that Boeing remains in good position at the time of the difficult economy right now," said Scott Carson, head of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, in pernyatannya.

Chief Executive Officer Jim McNerney said the employees will be steps that Boeing is likely to face cancellation of orders in the middle of a decrease in air travel. Boeing said yesterday in the year ago melorot order 662 of 1413 so a year earlier.

A number of U.S. companies to do the reduction of employees in the midst of recession. Earlier this week on the Department of Labor reported that the U.S. reduce the amount of labor as much as 2589 million in 2008, or higher than the previous years since 1945. December unemployment rate up more than economists estimated to be 7.2%, the highest level in almost 16 years.

Boeing shares down 34 cents to U.S. $ 44.45 on the pkl. 4:01 trade in New York Stock Exchange. (Er)
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Japan & South Korea try to overcome crisis

by: Taufik Wisastra

SEOUL (Bloomberg): Japanese PM Taro Aso and South Korea President Lee Myung Bak pledged to work together in the global financial crisis.

"The cooperation between the two countries is more important in the current global economic crisis. I expect to work more closely with one another, also in the international forum," Aso said to Lee at the beginning of the high-level meeting in Seoul today.

Japan and South Korea to seek increased economic relations to encourage growth. Japan's economic slump 2.85% in the three months ended December 31, according to the Bloomberg survey of economists.

Bank of Korea cut interest rates 50 basis points to reach the lowest record on January 9 in line with the economy memburuknya faster than expected.

The two countries will enhance efforts to review the negotiations will start again for approval of free trade or economic partnership agreements. The two countries will also take steps to attract the manufacturer of engine spare parts business in Japan to establish South Korea. (tw)
Learn More... China And the Global Energy Crisis: Development and Prospects for China's Oil and Natural Gas

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Yahoo consider Bartz & Decker as CEO

by: Elsya Refianti

SAN FRANCISCO (Bloomberg): Yahoo! Inc. has narrow the list of names of candidates who will fill the position of chief executive officer of the new company into three people, namely Executive Chairwoman Carol Bartz Autodesk Inc., Yahoo President Susan Decker and other executives, said the source who knows it.

The decision about who will fill the new position of CEO at Yahoo that will be determined before discharge Yahoo reports earnings on January 27, and likely will be announced next weekend, said the source who refused to identify because the discussion is closed.

Committee of the board of three people, who work with the executive search company Heidrick & struggles International Inc., was down the list of the number of candidates from five into three people. A number of directors at Yahoo have started interviewing the candidates.

CEO of the future will replace the position of Jerry Yang. Some 11 members of the board of Yahoo will soon meet to discuss the candidates, said the source.

Yahoo spokesperson Kim Rubey women refused to comment on it. Colleen Rubart, spokesman for the woman Autodesk, said himself does not know anything about plans Bartz.

Yahoo shares, which is based in Sunnyvale, California, menguat 6 cents to U.S. $ 13.13 on the pkl. 4 in New York on Friday on the Nasdaq Stock Market trading.

Decker, who is identified by Yahoo as the candidate when the countdown will be in November, the act has been through two interviews with the council, said the source. Still open the possibility that Decker, 46, will appear as the CEO of Yahoo, he said, although some directors prefer candidates from outside to provide a new color for the company.

The identity of the three candidates is not known. Former CEO of Vodafone Group Plc was Arun Sarin is among the several names considered to fill that position. However, she's his name on the nomination months ago.

Search committee that consists of Yang, Chairman Roy Bostock and former Northwest Airlines Corp. Chairman Gary Wilson.

Bartz, a woman aged 60 years was the CEO at the company's graphic design Autodesk for 14 years before coming down from the occupation in April 2006. Before that, he was executive at Sun Microsystems Inc., Digital Equipment Corp. and 3M Co.. Bartz candidacy for the position reported by the blog AllThingsDigital this weekend. (Er)
Learn More... The Strategist CEO: How Visionary Executives Build Organizations

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Employers complain about the scarcity of imported drinks

by: Nurbaiti

JAKARTA ( The hotel and restaurant operators complain about the scarcity of supply of alcoholic beverages in the country due to the high luxury tax (luxury tax) for the product.

Ekskutif Director of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant PHRI) Clara Parengkuan said that the scarcity of liquor imports caused by the high luxury tax (luxury tax), which reached 300% -400% so that the distributor does not want to supply in large amounts.

"We proposed to reduced tax because the consumers in the country as well. If it can be reduced 50%," he said today

According to him, with the high tax alcohol distributors are reluctant to supply the large number of the course will affect the selling price becomes more expensive.

In addition, the government also only give permission to import only the one company that also need not have other options.

Import Director of Directorate General of Foreign Trade Department of Trade Alberth Joseph Tobogu say that permission to import alcoholic beverages is only given to only one importer, namely PT. Sarinah because consumption in the country are not too many.

"Only to a certain course," he said. (mmh)
Learn More... Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in an Era of Oil Scarcity: Lessons from Cuba

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RI viewfinder Syrian trade with U.S. $ 100 million

by: Tri D. Pamenan & Ratna Ariyanti

JAKARTA ( President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono determine the target of trade between Indonesia and Syria in this year of U.S. $ 100 million.

This was delivered by Minister of Trade Mari Elka Pangestu before the meeting at Office of the President, the day before. President, he added, asking the Department of Commerce to promote the role of a commission with both countries to improve relations, especially trade.

Balance of trade with Indonesia Syria increased by 29.76% from U.S. $ 58.68 million in September 2007 to U.S. $ 76.14 million in September 2008. Indonesia total exports reached U.S. $ 75.65 million, while imports of U.S. $ 491,000.

Mari said Indonesia export products consist of palm oil, textile products, rubber, and fragile equipment. While the product is imported from Syria spices. To the front, India is also considering to import phosphate, material for fertilizer, from Syria.

"It looks quite good potential. Basically how we can improve trade relations with Syria. Because of their new self-opening since 2006, when I first really difficult to trade with them," said Mari.

Mendag add what the Syrian government, including a decrease in customs, is the opportunity for efforts to diversify export markets nontradisional. (Yn)
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